Teleflora's Snowflake Symphony Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with this enchanting red rose bouquet, artfully arranged in a timeless stoneware serving dish centerpiece. Hand-painted and food-safe, it's adorned with charming snowflake details, adding a delightful touch of seasonal cheer.
Teleflora's Snowflake Symphony Centerpiece features vibrant red roses, classic red carnations, and miniature red carnations, along with variegated holly, noble fir, and cedar. This holiday bouquet is beautifully arranged in Teleflora's Snowflake Symphony Bowl, adding a touch of festive elegance to any celebration.
Orientation: All-Around

Teleflora's Snowflake Symphony Bouquet


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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

Wooster, Ohio Smithville , Ohio